What happens when design is no longer comprised by function, but longs for the aesthetic and ethical freedom of art? American artist Richard Artschwager once said, “If you sit on it, it’s a chair. If you walk around it and look at it, it’s a sculpture”. Some objects invite for different ways of living and using a space by paying homage to materials, color and form rather than functional use, thereby taking on a clear unique, bold position, the end-result often being intriguing and extraordinary. When boundaries between design and art are effaced potential for magic occurs.
Birger Hansen K.S.M. Kragelund APS / www.ksm-hema.dk / Constructing the iron/steel parts
Unicon A/S / www.unicon.dk / Concrete
Andreas Omvik / www.andreasomvik.com / Photo
Marco Pedrollo / www.ironflag.net / Art Direction
Henriette Noermark / www.henriettenoermark.com / Text
Lasse Korsgaard / www.lassekorsgaard.com / Web
Jørgen Hein / Extensive knowledge about everything and knowing how to solve every problem!